Friday, February 20, 2009

good no more

i see that this is not going to a way, not about good or bad, but it really doesn't belong to a way.. pointless.. everything is had to be about you.. you.. and you.. and everything i've done is nothing.. is not 'effortless' as i quote from your own words..
you always state that a relationship moves equal between both of us.. as if it was not in the past, or these few months, ok.. i might have the weakest part of arguement about all this, but did you think just by pushing all the blame to me would get us somewhere? no.. yes.. no... it won't.. pointless.. it won't get us anywhere but separated ways.. and you say we should work this out.. yet again it will always end up with - it will always be about you.. not us.. just you.. and you expect us to make a relationship this way?
we are good no more.. except that if you still want to push it all up to my sleeves..
i don't give a damn about this.............

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